Corruption Practice in Bangladesh : Its Roots and the Ways of its Eradication
Corruption Practice in Bangladesh : Its Roots and the Ways of its Eradication
Muhd. Iqbal Hussain Sharif
Corruption, an administrative process, a forceful Policy that helps a Person or a Group of Persons in Power, Directly or Indirectly, to gain anything illegally / forcefully by depriving the others. We all know, there is Corruption in the entire process of our Bangladesh Government and that is why, as per the proven records, we were the Champion in this CORRUPTION Sector for the last few years considering the same as our Legal Property received from our Forefathers & Parents. I firmly believe, this can be really controlled by 98% ( Ninety-Eight Per Cent ), provided the Government could consider the following suggestions as a PRINCIPLE and also execute the same on PRIORITY basis.
Facts responsible for Corruption :
01. Corruption begins mainly from the Political Party in Power as well as in Opposition. As per the present system, different Student Organizations, Labor Fronts, Staff & Officers’ Associations in different names in the different key Govt. Offices, Banks and other Financial & Public Service Institutions, mainly work for the Political Parties as above mentioned. They unconditionally support them in all respects to win the Election or to contest in the Election and also to protect them after the Election or in any other Special Circumstances. These Organs & Cadres act as Special Security Guards & Secret Messengers of the Government Policy Makers and other important Political Leaders of the Political Parties as above mentioned.
02. That is why, by forgetting all Ethics, Morality and Law of the Land, the Policy Makers of the different Political Parties have to satisfy their different Organs / Cadres as above mentioned, with whose sacrifices they are in Power or will be in the Power and on whose sacrifices their ( Political Parties ) very existence depend and shall also depend in the coming years.
03. As per the present system of the Government, Political Party in Power executes the Govt. decisions through the Administration / Bureaucrats, who are generally, much more Educated, Intelligent, Trained, Experienced & Disciplined than the Political Parties ( in Power or in Opposition ). Naturally, these Bureaucrats create willful hazards / obstacles to implement the decisions of the Political Government, when they know that they ( the Political Party in Power or in Opposition ) are less educated & less intelligent than them ( the Bureaucrats ), but they ( Political Leaders & Workers ) are controlling the total Administration of the Country and also taking illegal Economic & Social advantages from the Government and her Treasury by utilizing them, the Bureaucrats. As a result, naturally, the Bureaucrats also involve themselves in willful Corruptions for Personal Gains knowing that the Political Government does not have the Power or Courage in any form to consider any legal action/s against the Bureaucrats as they ( Political Parties in Power or in Opposition ) do not have any Legal, Moral & Ethical base.
So, naturally, it’s the wonderful victory of Corruptions, decades after decades, which shall continue to grow like MONSTERS, if not drastically controlled from now on by adopting and executing some Practical Policies based upon the realities of lives ( no emotion be allowed here in the name of so-called ethics, human rights or so ).
Ways to overcome the Problem :
A) Through Special Law/s, Govt. may consider to stop this kind of relationship of the different Organizations with the Political Parties. Particularly, Staff & Officers’ Associations of different Govt., Semi-Govt. and Private Offices, Ports, Banks, Financial Institutions ( who are employed against some Contract/s and receive Salary, Honorarium ) must not be allowed to keep such relationships and to act on behalf of the Political Party in Power or in Opposition.
Regarding Student Politics, though there is a strong opinion against it, but if we look into the reality of our Political System in Bangladesh, then it is a must to accept Student Politics, as they ( Students ) are the most Organized Vast Force, who are Young, Energetic, Disciplined and the Educated Group in the entire Country and the very existence of our Political Parties do directly depend upon them for their ( Political Parties ) Nationwide Publicity Campaigns. We all know from our past experiences from Nature that by passing mere a Law or an Administrative Order, no one can create a ban on the Parents to love their Children, as this is something eternal, a Natural Force, which cannot be controlled by human beings. Similarly, due to the reality of our present Social & Political environments, Student Politics must exist, though the same must be and shall have to be controlled as per the Policy as explained in the Clause Numbers : B, C, D, E, F, M, N, and AA of this Article.
B) A fixed portion of the National Budget, say 10%, be kept as reserve just for the direct Political Party workers ( Students and others, who are directly involved in Politics ). Out of this 10%, 1/2 portion ( 50% of 10% ) may please be kept as RESERVE just for the Direct Workers / Supporters of the Political Party in Power, who worked for the Party during the National Election and who are always with that Party. Board Members of the National Committee and each District & Thana Committees of the concerned Political Party shall distribute this Fund OPENLY among their direct workers & supporters.
C) The Political Govt. in Power shall distribute this Specially Reserved Fund ( SRF ) OPENLY against some specific Agricultural & Light Industrial Projects for the basic development of the Country among their direct supporters as mentioned above, which the concerned supporters / workers will get for 10 years and there shall not be any interest on that sanctioned Fund.
D) The said Project must be executed properly under the full-time supervision of 01 to 07 nominated Officers / Employees ( depending upon the size and necessity of the Project ) from the Government and the total net loan amount must be returned within 03 months after 10 years, failing which serious Civil / Criminal actions including minimum 25 years’ rigorous imprisonment must be considered against the Entrepreneur / s as well as the responsible nominated Govt. Officers / Employees. This shall act as a reward against their ( Student Wings of the Political Parties and other direct supporters ) sacrifices in the National Election and afterwards. On the other-hand, this shall also act as a serious threat for the Entrepreneur / s and nominated Govt. Officers & Employees, so that they shall have to work with 100% sincerity to execute the Project / s, which shall certainly make the country developed and create much employment opportunities ( 01 to 07 Govt. Officers + other Officers + Staff + Workers x Number of Projects ) throughout the country.
E) Similarly, the Political Parties in Opposition ( who will have at least 01 Member of Parliament in the National Parliament or at least 03 lac Registered Supporters with the Proof of National ID Numbers ), shall also get the balance 50% of 10% from the mentioned reserve fund for their direct supporters, which should be distributed OPENLY as per their ratio in the National Parliament or the ratio of Registered Supporters with the specific written Recommendations from the President & General Secretary of the Political Party / Parties concerned and be spent on the formula as already explained, which will again create peace, proper development and employment opportunities in the Country.
F) Those who will get this loan from the Reserved Fund, shall not be allowed for any other business with the Government just to reduce the undue pressure from the Party workers & Supporters and to open fare opportunities for the other Citizens ( National Identity Card of each Citizen be utilized to identify these workers & supporters of different Political Parties ), who are not engaged in Politics.
G) This Openly distribution of total 10% of the yearly National Budget amongst the direct workers & supporters of the Political Parties ( in Power and in Opposition ), shall help and ensure the balanced development of the Country and her People, which shall minimize Political Fighting/s among their Supporters and finally, will bring & ensure Permanent Peace and Balanced Development.
H) As the Party workers ( in Power & in Opposition ) will be economically satisfied, the Country will automatically develop, the internal fights would vanish gradually and the Law & Order situation would significantly improve.
I) Further 2% of the National Budget be kept reserve for the Political Party in Power, which the concerned Party will distribute openly amongst themselves ( all the Cabinet Members of the Central, District & Thana Committees ) and they would spend that fund as per their own decisions. The Govt. must not create any obstacle in that regard. This 2% fund shall be 100% Tax-free and no need to return at all.
J) Again, 2% of the National Budget be kept reserve for the Political Parties in Opposition, who would have representation/s in the National Parliament or at least 03 lac Registered Supporters with the Proof of National ID Numbers and this 2% would be distributed and spent as per the clause I) as above mentioned.
K) Another 5% of the National Budget be also spent for the wellbeing of all the Bangladeshi Service-holders in the Country ( say Private, Govt., Semi-Govt. Officers and Staff including the Teachers, Banks & other Financial Institutions and all other Autonomous Bodies ) in the form of facilities like : Enhanced Salary, Transport facilities, House rent / Apartment loan facilities, Medical facilities, Educational facilities, Entertainment facilities, etc. As this 5% money would be spent as Service Facilities, naturally, there will be no question of returning the same by the consumers.
L) Finally, another 7% of the National Budget be kept reserve for the Social Security of the Deprived Citizens like : Unemployed Persons above 23 years of age, Beggars & Baste Dwellers to ensure their Food, Shelter, Treatment, Education, Entertainment, Clothing, Technical Training, etc. basic necessities of life. This 7% money would also be spent as Service Facilities and naturally, there will be no question of returning the same by the Consumers.
M) The Political Activists ( attached with the Political Party in Power or in Opposition ) must not be allowed for any Govt. or Autonomous Body job, as they shall be directly benefited from the Special Reserve Fund ( SRF ) as explained, which could be ensured with the introduction of Electronic National Identity Card ( with Photograph, Signature, Thumb Impression, Profession, Education, Party Name, Designation in the Party, Date of Joining, etc. basic information showing their Village Addresses & City Addresses ). By doing so, Govt. could establish a free & fare administration to ensure proper development for her Citizens without any narrow Political belief / believes.
N) All the Shops ( doing business at a fixed place under any form of Shed / Roof ) and Business Institutions must have their Trade Licenses, Bank Accounts & Tax Identification Numbers ( TINs ) and all of them must pay Income Tax at a rational rate to be fixed by the National Board of Revenue ( NBR ) in consultation with the Civil Society & Business Community, so that they are encouraged to pay Tax and some of the NBR Officials or the related Income-tax Practitioners do not get scopes to harass or squeeze the hon’ble Taxpayers. On the other hand, the Giant Business Institutions would pay Taxes as per the Present Policy and the same might be relaxed also depending upon the reality.
Based upon this explanation, some may raise question that I am advocating the execution of “SOCIALISM” in our Country. But actually, it is not. I do want neither “SOCIALISM”, nor “CAPITALISM” alone, what I want, the proper execution of both the Policies. Based upon Socialism, every Citizen must have the Basic Rights as per our Constitution as mentioned in my another write-up ( 25 Burning Issues, My Humble Views ; Amendment of Constitution ) and the Government must have to ensure that without showing any Plea/s while, as per Capitalism, you ( any Citizen ) are at 100% liberty to please earn as much as you can by honoring the legal system and also please do not forget to pay the necessary Taxes as per the Law of the Land. If someone could earn a Billion Dollar per day or more even, I do not see any problem there as long as the Person pays the related Taxes as per the related Laws.
O) Though “arrests” are necessary to control Corruption and to bring Peace in the Society, but its wrong implementation process shall certainly hamper our National Economy. Say for instance, this present Caretaker Govt. has already arrested a few lacs of People and doing the same again and again after a certain gap. This has created a PANIC amongst the Politicians, Business Community, Social Leaders and even the Common Public. Naturally, the Investment Index has already significantly comedown, Unemployment has increased alarmingly and the Price of Essential Commodities has gone up by 60% or so on average. This has most genuinely created anger amongst the Common People ( out of 150 Millions, more or less 120 Millions of People ), actually who were in 100% support of this Govt.
* We all know, we were under the British Regime for 200 years and Pakistan also ruled us about 25 years. Within this long period of 225 years of oppressions, we lost our “Virginity, Integrity, Ethics, Honesty, Morality” and so many things as the victims of Circumstances or Willingly as well due to the Genetic reasons. However, due to those inherited Administrative Processes, about 99.99% of us ( including Myself, Yourself & Themselves ) are Corrupts now a days as per the real meaning of the Term “Corruption” and for this eternal Corruption, we are all responsible. Proper Open Examination of our “Tax Returns”, “Banking Records” and the “Wealth Statements” for the last 15 years shall certainly prove that beyond any human doubt, though we can’t place this 99.99% of our People under Trial and bring the “Angels from Heaven” to run our Country! This is the reality and we must understand that if we are in sense.
* Therefore, what I do strongly believe from the deepest core of my heart ( without any influence & pressure from anyone ), a “General Pardon” be declared as soon as possible to all the Citizens and Inhabitants throughout Bangladesh except only a listed or doubtful few, say maximum 25,000 Corrupt Persons throughout Bangladesh ( on the basis of minimum 01 Person from each Union ). This doubtful 25,000 Persons be advised to to submit their Tax Returns along-with the Bank Statements & Wealth Statements to the Govt. and also to return 50% of their Illegal Assets and Bank-balance willfully to the Bangladesh Govt., if there be any such Assets & Bank-balance. In case of any Willful False Statement ( as per the NBR Officials’ judgment ), they ( Taxpayers ) be tried, but must not be arrested until & unless they prove to be guilty by the empowered Court, as once arrested and later found innocent, who would compensate that Person and is it at all possible to compensate or is it at all Justice ? If there is doubt that the Person might flee away, in that case, proper “Guarantee” may please be taken in advance from the “Entire/Maximum Family Members and Close Relatives” of that Person plus the Party Leaders ( in case of a Politician ) as well as from the respective “Lawyer/s” of the said Person and also from the Social Leaders ( if needed be depending upon the importance of the Person ). Again, the “Bank Accounts” of the total Family be placed under control with a provision to withdraw a certain amount per month to meet the basic expenses only and the “Passport” might also be taken away and “Rule” might be issued upon the Person/s to stay at home or within a certain boundary ( not in Jail or in a House under Police Protection, but Police Protection for the Security of the concerned Person be allowed, if the concerned Person accepts that ), not to deliver Public Speech & meet Party People, distant Relatives and also be advised to keep in touch with the local Law-enforcing Authority in each Hour/Day/Week or so. Finally, the Law Suit be finished within maximum 08 months’ time through a “Special Court and also in Open Trial”, so that there remains no doubt about the Fair Trial and the Person’s Family Members do not also suffer unnecessarily. If found guilty by the Special Court in Open Trial/s, only in that case, the Person be taken into Custody, minimum jail for 25 years be ensured, 95% assets be confiscated ( 45% more confiscation than before as a Punishment for the Willful False Statement and the balance 05% to be kept for the Family to meet their basic necessities of daily life ) and hanged, if required. Again, if the Hon’ble Taxpayer is harassed by the NBR Official, the concerned NBR Person/s be tried in the same way as has been just explained. But as a Policy matter, the Politicians, Business Community, Social Leaders, and Common People must not be kept in “Anxiety” if the Govt. really wants a Corruption-Free Society, continuous Development and Peace of our Country, Bangladesh.
P) Finally, to eliminate Corruptions from the Roots forever, all the Voters ( except the Illiterate, Baste Dwellers and Vendors on the Streets without any Shed/Roof ) including Presidents / Prime Ministers / Ministers / Advisers / Political Leaders / Workers / Business Communities / Teachers / Service-holders ( Govt., Semi-Govt., Banks & all other Financial Institutions and Autonomous Bodies, enjoying total 19% of the National Budget as explained earlier ) must submit their TAX Returns along with their i) Wealth Statements and ii) Bank Statements in each year on a very simple prescribed Form in this regard, which the Govt. must ensure and the NBR Authority must accept without any question.
The said Statements ( Tax Returns along-with the Wealth Statements & Bank Statements ) must be evaluated at least per 03 years and proper Manpower be employed on time for the said evaluation purpose. If any such Statement is found Intentionally False, the Person / Company must be punished without showing any leniency. The Person shall be jailed ( rigorous imprisonment without any so-called VIP treatments ) for minimum 25 years and 95% Assets of the Person & Company be confiscated by the Government and be spent for the wellbeing of the Citizens. If any wrong judgment by the NBR Officials, the concerned Person/s must also be punished in the same way as has already been explained in O) of this Article.
* Law must be passed in this regard by the Government. Before implementation, the same must be broadcasted on all the TV Channels at a time in each 3-4 hours and be published regularly in all the major Daily & Weekly Newspapers for minimum 03 months to educate the General People, so that they do understand, what to do and what not. Again, all the NGOs, High Schools, Colleges and Universities of the Country, Police, BDR & Army be involved directly for this National Campaign purposes. After completion of such steps, still if someone is found Corrupt through the proper scrutiny of his/her or the Company’s Tax Returns ( with Bank Statements & Wealth Statements ), in that case, 95% assets of the Person/Company ( as the case may be ) be confiscated & Jailed for minimum 25 years or even hanged depending upon the nature of Crime.
I firmly believe, if the following Principles be adopted and executed on priority basis, there should not be or cannot be any corruption in our Politics & Administration, as every interested Group in the Country will be economically satisfied through this lawful system and also the development of the Country will automatically be balanced. There shall not be any Pressure Group to influence the Govt. or Administration as the direct supporters and all concerned have already been economically & socially benefited. Therefore, the Govt. will be in a position to implement her different Policies of Developments and different Construction & other Projects as per the exact terms of Contracts without showing any leniency to the concerned Contractors / Engineers / Officers / Staff.
Still if somebody is found in the practice of proven Corruption by virtue of the Person’s blood ( as Human-beings are “Rational Animal” with the connotations of “Animality & Rationality” and due to the Animality, some of them shall certainly be involved in Corruption/s, which none can stop due to the “Genetic” reason ), the person must be sent to jail ( rigorous imprisonment without considering the person’s identity ) for minimum 25 years and if required, depending upon the gravity of offence, the Person be hanged to death and this entire judgment process must be open and must be finished through a Special Court within maximum 8 months’ time from the date of detection of the Corruption / Corruptions.
Someone from the Civil Society, from the Govt. or from any other Section in and outside the Country may raise question/s regarding the ethical & legal right / value of such “Reserve Fund for the Political Parties” themselves as well as for the direct Supporters / Activists of the Political Parties in Power and in Opposition. Some may term the process as “State Dacoity/Hariloot” or something like that. But if we look into the matter in an open mind, we will have a new scenario of Equal Economic Opportunities & Developments and Legal Rights for at least 98% of our total Citizens. Actually, it is a wonderful formula based upon the TEACHINGS of ISLAM as well as our CONSTITUTION ( Clause : 15, (a) to (d), FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY, Page : 4 and Clause : 27, Part III, FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, Page : 8 of April, 2008 Edition ), which would ensure equal rights & opportunities for the entire Citizens of the Country, as through this process, everyone in the Country shall directly be benefited, whether the Person is a Political Leader, a Political Activist, a Government / Autonomous Body Service-holder / an Unemployed, Sick, Beggar, Rickshaw-puller, Baste Dueler or a Person doing business with the Government. Allocation of only 26% of the total National Budget ( 10% for the direct Political Activists of the Parties in Power and in Opposition + 2% for the Political Leaders in Power + 2% for the Political Leaders in Opposition, who will have representation in the Parliament or 3 lac Registered Supporters + 5% for the Service-holders in the different Govt. Offices, Banks & Autonomous Bodies as already explained + 7% for Social Security of the entire deprived Citizen of the Country = 26% ) could open an era of tremendous opportunities of developments before the entire Country. If contrary and the Policy Makers of the Govt. want to follow the normal path, the economic scenario shall return to the “mediaeval age”, more or less 50% to 60% of our total National Budget shall directly go to the Pockets of some Political & Administrative Corrupt Persons ( more or less 2% of our total Population ) and we, the balance 98% Population, shall be fighting with each-other for another 100 years or so, while the other Countries of the world shall reach their desired goals of balanced developments and we shall be begging to them for our day to day survival !
Normally, the Political Party in Power should not keep a fixed percentage of reserve for their direct Supporters / Activists / Workers or for themselves, but due to the reality, as the Party in Power have to engage themselves in Corruption ( in the process as explained earlier under Facts responsible for Corruption ) and that is a 100% fact in our Country, so considering the reality and facts as above explained, if the following suggestions are duly honored ( allocation of Reserve Fund’s percentage may slightly be changed considering the real necessity of time & availability of Fund ) and boldly practiced, that can certainly save our Country and People forever and the only lawful job of every Government is to ensure that for their Citizens.
In addition to the above mentioned measures, the following measures must also be considered and executed actively :-
AA) Student Politics be allowed, but Students found to be involved in Politics, shall not be allowed to join in the different jobs of Govt., Semi-Govt. or Autonomous Bodies, as there shall be special allocation of Funds allowing them to get 10 years’ interest free loan for different Projects ( Clause : B, C, D ) and they shall have the right to enter into the Business World ( but no Business or Service, directly or indirectly, with the Govt., Semi-Govt, Banks & other Financial Institutions, Autonomous Bodies, etc. ). This shall ensure a Non-Political, Non-Partisan Govt. Administration, which is very much important for the smooth, proper & timely development of any Country.
BB) Presence of Corruption is the 100% direct result of the absence of Ethics in our day to day activities, a basic question relating to Right or Wrong. People do involve themselves in Corruption, when they are not aware of anything about Ethics & Morality and its measuring Standard or there is no exemplary Legal & Social Punishments against the Corrupts. Therefore, to stop Corruption from the Society forever, Ethical Education must be made COMPULSORY for everyone beginning from the Play Group to the Highest Education level, whether it is Arts, Science, Commerce, Law or anything else. When a person will be Ethically EDUCATED, Corruption shall automatically be reduced. Still, if there is any further Corruption, that must be seriously controlled by legal actions ( say, minimum 25 years’ rigorous imprisonment and also be hanged, if required ) as well as Social Criticisms and its wide Publicity by the Govt. before the Public.
Would you all please think about this most logical arguments ? If satisfied, at least 80%, may I humbly request you all to please come forward to form the strongest opinion to press the Government and others concerned, so that the humble suggestions are accepted and boldly implemented with immediate effect ? We need to remember that by allocating only 26% of the National Budget in this process, we will certainly start the way to economic development, a long dreaming scenario of our People & Country. Otherwise, Corruption shall remain in every Sectors ( which eats up more or less 50% to 60% of our National Budget in each year and more or less only 2% People are directly and illegally benefited from that 50% to 60% ) and we shall be the permanent Champion in this Sector to set up further World Records !
It is the best time to decide, what to do and what not. We must remember that our personal lives are not eternal and we have already lost long 41 years from our National & Family lives in the name of forming State Committees and Research ! How long should we wait & discuss ? Should we wait for our Dooms’ Day ( Keyamat ) ? Is there any one logically and mentally courageous to break the barriers, please ?
The End
N.B. : This write up was sent by E-mail to the following respected Persons on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 at 4.48 PM, though no reply has yet been received :-
01. H.E., The Chief Adviser, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh ; E-mail : ‘[email protected]’
02.Hon’ble Finance Adviser, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh ; E-mail : ‘[email protected]’
03. Mr.Rehman Sobhan, Chairman, Center for Policy Dialogue ( CPD ) ; E-mail : ‘[email protected]’
04.Mr.Debapriya Bhattacharia, Executive Director, Center for Policy Dialogue ( CPD ) ; E-mail : ‘[email protected]’
05.Mr.Zillur Rahman, TV Show Producer, Tritiomatra ; E-mail : ‘[email protected]’
06.Head, BBC Bangladesh Sanglap ; E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]
07.Mr.Fazle Hasan Abed, Founder and Chairperson, BRAC ; E-mail : ‘[email protected]’,'[email protected]’
08.Mr.Shykh Seraj, Director & Head of News, Channel-i-TV ; Programme Director, Ridoye Mati-O-Manush ; E-mail : [email protected]
Also Sent to the Hon’ble Editors of the Print Media like :
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Last Edited on Thursday, September 29, 2011

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